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Retirement of Dr Mohammed Alsharifi and Mr Martin Gotting

Adelaide, Australia, 24th November 2021 – GPN Vaccines announces the retirement of Dr Mohammed Alsharifi and Mr Martin Gotting from the Board of Directors and their appointment to key operational roles.

At the conclusion of yesterday’s AGM Dr Mohammed Alsharifi and Mr Martin Gotting retired from the GPN Vaccines Board of Directors. They were given a vote of appreciation by the Board and shareholders for their contributions as founding Directors and thanked for taking on new operational roles in the company as Director of Immunology and Director, International (Europe), respectively.

GPN Vaccines’ Chairman & CEO Professor Tim Hirst commented, “Mohammed has played a leading role in the creation and characterisation of the company’s innovative Gamma-PN pneumococcal vaccine and is a named inventor on all the company’s patents. I thank him for his contribution as a Board Director and am pleased he is continuing as a member of company’s executive management team, as Director of Immunology.  This is a key appointment as we prepare to evaluate the immune response to Gamma-PN in a first-in-human clinical trial.”

Professor Hirst also commented that “Martin offered invaluable experience to the Board of Directors from a big pharma and pharmaceutical sales perspective.  Martin is now taking on a business development and sales role as part of GPN’s initiatives to partner with leading overseas vaccine producers and I thank Martin for taking on this important role”.


About GPN Vaccines

GPN Vaccines is a public (unlisted) biotechnology company developing a vaccine against Streptococcus pneumoniae, which is responsible for causing life-threatening pneumonia, bacteraemia and meningitis, as well as otitis media (middle ear infections).  Each year it causes 1-2 million deaths worldwide, killing more children than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. There are now 100 different serotypes of S. pneumoniae and the best vaccine currently on the market fails to protect against some of the dominant serotypes causing invasive pneumococcal disease. Gamma-PNTM – GPN Vaccines’ new S. pneumoniae vaccine is being developed to protect children and adults against all S. pneumoniae strains, regardless of strain serotype.

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